The History of Diamond Jewelry

The history of black diamond jewelry is believed to go back to medieval times. Black diamonds are rare and difficult to cut, and have traditionally been used in men’s rings. Several conflicting legends surround black diamonds, but this has not stopped them from becoming a popular jewelry item.

History Black diamonds are the rarest in the diamond family. Also called carbonado, black diamonds were created 3.5 billion years ago. Over time, they pushed their way up to the surface through volcanic eruptions about 1 million years ago. Black diamonds are considered to be “young,” as clear diamonds were formed approximately 4.25 billion years ago.

Wedding Jewellery

Since the turn of the twenty-first century, black diamond’s have become more popular in wedding jewelry, with both bride and groom sometimes choosing wedding bands with black diamond’s set in them. Sometimes, the bride will also choose an engagement ring with either a black diamond main stone surrounded by white diamonds, or a white diamond solitaire with black diamond accent stones.

Not all diamonds are white. Impurities lend diamonds a hue of blue, red, orange, yellow, green and even black. A green diamond is the rarest. Diamond, however, is not the rarest gemstone. That title goes to a pure red ruby. Diamonds actually are found in fair abundance; thousands are mined every year. 80% of them are not suitable for jewelry and are used in industry. The remainder, of higher clarity, is cut for the jewelry trade and end up in jewelry stores.

Long time ago in Europe, the diamond had the highest medical power, which could make people feel comfortable as a medical aid. Some people believed that the diamond was able to kill the illness, and some of them believed that the health would be stable when holding a diamond jewellery. In the middle ages, these believes became myths, and made the people crazy on the diamond, and even smuggled them.

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